You Can Come Out, this is a line which many of us have heard from most of the motivational speakers or leaders but what they don't understand is the fact that what one is going through.Some give such examples which will try to enlighten your soul,your spirit but what question lies it that are this line enough to motivate you are they enough to rise the spirit if so then why not the words which comes directly from inside you are enough to raise your spirit, you scroll down various YouTube's video but the results is you waste the moments which could be utilize in some other activity.I don't say that motivation is not required it is required but it should be in the right form like taking a short walk, meeting a friend whom you can share your heart out etc you may ask why this not a waste of moments.i would say rather no because by taking a short walk it will be good for health and by meeting friend it would build the bonding even stronger.See every phase has it's own importance,it just depends who takes this in which sense,If you want to come out of the phase you should ask yourself the question that "CAN I COME OUT"Whatever answer you get follow that because that would be a changing phase it would be the beginning of new way which will lead you to your Destiny. 

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